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Forks Over Knives
LunowDate: Friday, 2011-12-30, 5:18 PM | Message # 1
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Focusing on the research of two food scientists, this earnest documentary reveals that despite broad advances in medical technology, the popularity of modern processed foods has led to epidemic rates of obesity, diabetes and other diseases. - from Netflix

This movie is quite controversial. The producers claim that the increased rates of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases that we are experiencing today are diet related. They also claim that a plant-based diet that eliminates (or at least substantially reduces) meat products (including dairy) from our diets would prolong our lives and lead to better health and qualities of life. This part of the movie would fit into the Agricultural Unit.

The movie also chronicles changes in cultural shifts since World War II (especially the rise of Fast Food) that could place the movie into our Cultural Geography Unit. In truth, the movie does not fully investigate the Fast Food industry, barely touching on it as an example of changing cultural norms effecting the dietary and health of the society.

The scientists highlighted in this movie do comparative studies around the world that focus on the relationship between eating patterns and health. Charts, maps, and graphs are used persuasively to make interesting observations related to the subject of the movie. Our first unit focuses on the importance of Geography in the modern world, and this movie nicely illustrated the advantages of people being aware of Geography and competent in its use.
isyortiz21Date: Wednesday, 2015-04-08, 10:16 PM | Message # 2
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Isabel Ortiz
Period 5 

    The controversial documentary titled, "Forks Over Knives," was directed by Lee Fulkerson in 2011. This movie talks of the growing problem of obesity in the U.S. which causes numerous diseases. In the U.S. we spend 2.2 trillion on health care and spend more on the health of citizens than any other MDC. We are constantly in the shadows of diseases like  obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and heart pressure which are diet related diseases. Millions upon millions of people have been masked by chronic fatigue with many different types of diseases. The solution to this problem is that if we greatly reduces refined, processed and animal based foods, we could prevent and reduce several of our worse diseases. So all we need to do is adapt a whole foods and plant based diet.
    Most Americans believe they are healthy without any major disease but they soon realize they are mistaken. For instance, the director took a CRP health test and found out he was at a very high risk of having a heart attack, so he committed to a 12 week nutrition program. The plan was to treat his health problems with a whole foods and plant based diet. It was discovered in the 1960's that animal based proteins like caesin caused diseases, so if people ate fruits, vegetables, wheat, grains, and lagoons while avoiding processed and animal based foods, they would have less chronic diseases. The diseases weren't caused by genetics, but in fact a series of mechanisms caused by the food choices people make. The reason why people eat junk food is that it gives them an addicting sense of euphoria and by fool are systems into believing we aren't full. So we should avoid animal based disease by eating healthy.
    Many people who have taken this diet have gotten healthier, have more energy, have lost weight, and lived longer. This diet reduced diseases by reversing the damage on our endothelia cells and helping them to grow back to help protect our blood flow. Interesting fact, milk causes our calcium to get used up, making our bones more vulnerable to damage. Also, it is astonishing the amount of influence large corporations have on U.S. dietary policies which cause our social norms and health issues. Additionally, by producing so much animal based foods we destroy our world, waste grain on livestock, and slaughter millions of animals. The best part on this diet is that it makes people healthier and reduces the need for pills and funds from the government on health care.

P.S. "REAL men eat plants."
       "Eat to live! Don't live to eat!"

P.S.S. Forks over knives is symbolizes leaving the knives for cutting meat and choosing forks to eat a health whole food and plant based diet
19acaoDate: Saturday, 2016-01-02, 12:26 PM | Message # 3
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"Forks Over Knives," directed by Lee Fulkerson in May of 2011, talks about a growing problem of obesity and cancer in the U.S. which causes many different types diseases. The U.S. spends more on the health of citizens than any other developed country and spends 2.2 trillion dollars on healthcare. Diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and heart pressure are all caused by a person's diet. Millions of people are affected by chronic fatigue and many other different types of diseases with it. If we switch our diets away from processed foods and meat towards a better diet full of more vegetables and plant based diets, we can assure that obesity and cancer will not continue to grow rapidly.
    People in the U.S think they are living a healthy lifestyle without any risks of a major disease but this is not necessarily the case. They will realize they are mistaken. The director, Lee Fulkerson, took a CRP health test and found out he was at a very high risk of having a heart attack, so he committed to a 12 week nutrition program under Dr. Lederman's supervision. This commitment was to treat his health problems with a whole foods and plant based diet instead of everyday processed foods and meat. In the 1960's casein, was discovered in animal proteins and were discovered to cause diseases. Fruits, vegetables, wheat, grains, and lagoons are the more healthier foods for people to eat that help avoid processed and animal based foods. This would have an effect on less chronic disease. Genetics do not play a role in the cause of the diseases, but by the whole food choices people make. By eating junk food, people trick their minds into eating more.
   During WW2, Norway had been occupied by the Germans. The Germans took most of their livestock for their own troops which forced the Norwegians to eat a more plant based diet. The results of this were that people in Norway had a decreased amount of people with diseases. The same results are shown in an experiment with mice, where it showed that the amount of casein given to a mouse determined the rate of tumor and cancer cell growths. The study concluded that we can simply turn off the rate of growth of cancer and tumor cells by switching to a plant based diet.
19jmaciasDate: Monday, 2016-01-04, 9:42 AM | Message # 4
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This movie provided valid information that I think most people need to know in their life. IT should not be flagged down as another "boring health movie". It examines the degenerative diseases that afflict us and how they can be controlled by rejecting animal based food and processed food. Foods that our american society has been so accustomed to. I believe that this movie fits in the Agricultural Unit because of two main reasons:
1. The decrease in livestock
    2. Disease and healthcare

    We as a developed country cannot stop the addiction to meat products. If developing countries wish to follow in our footsteps then they too will demand for meat. Thus, if they consume the same amount of livestock as us then it will be nearly impossible to supply the demand. Forests will have to be cut down to make room for livestock.
    The movie also explains how meat causes diseases such as liver cancer, heart attack, etc. The more we eat those products, the more diseases that will cause the rise of healthcare cost. The developing countries may not be blessed with the resources as we do, so it would be more of a struggle for them.
    In conclusion, I'd like to say that this movie is truly an eye-opener. Personally, I do think I consume a lot of meat which now i will try to control. The answer to stop these serious diseases is so simple, yet we are so stubborn to follow it. Then again, we are what we eat.
    Overall, 4.5 stars.
    -Jasmine Macias Period. 2 
(you said you'd accept this review even though it's sort of late because i had it done on a piece of paper on accident)
samanthaammann22Date: Sunday, 2016-04-17, 5:08 PM | Message # 5
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Samantha Ammann
Period 2

I chose this movie because it has a foucs in what I believe in myself.  The movie focuses on how a drug free plant based diet is good for you.  I personally do not take any drugs and have grown up in a family that does not use Western Medicine but instead rely on herbs and roots in order to help with our health.  I do fall guilty in that I do not have the best diet, but I keep away from medicine so that my body is not being harmed with drugs.  The movie is about people like me who do not take drugs and have switched to a plant based diet and have found it helpful.  The natural doctors that did experiments on people by switching them to a plant based diet proved the doctors theories correct and saved some of their lives.  

The movie relates to our course because it covers the topics of agriculture, culture, populations, and the ways of modern life in an MDC.  In our course we discuss the agriculture business and how heavily meant influenced our food is.  In relation to globalization, it has made the demand for meat widespread around the world.  This is largely due to fast food industries spreading around the world.  Part of pop culture includes meet which is a big switch away from folk culture which does not include a lot of meat.  

In human geography, we study the changing culture of people around the world, and this movie shows the changing culture in the world and how it is effecting the population.
21cle2Date: Thursday, 2017-12-28, 3:27 PM | Message # 6
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Christian Le
Per. 1
    The documentary, "Forks Over Knives" explores the connection between Americans' poor diets and its connections to their increasing numbers in diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. This documentary goes over how Americans' over consumption of meat and dairy and their misconceptions eventually lead to fatal effects. Misconceptions such as how meats and dairy products are essential for nutrients like proteins and calcium are damaging to the Western societies because even though they do provide these nutrients, consuming too many lead to many negative side effects like cancer and diseases.
    These misconceptions demonstrate a very important concept in Human Geography which is the diffusion of ideas. These misconceptions are spread throughout the United States from the government, meat/dairy companies, and its sellers through Hierarchical Diffusion to lure Americans into buying these products with statements like "Milk is Nature's Perfect Food" and that "We must serve one half pint of fresh fluid milk to provide Calcium, Riboflavins, and the other nutrients that are needed for our children."
     And as the economy begins to go through globalization, America's partners in the economy such as China are being introduced to these Western misconceptions through both Contagious and Relocation Diffusion. These misconceptions are being spread to China through Contagious Diffusion because China is working hand in hand with America to trade goods, the provision of jobs, etc. and because of the closeness between the two, the culture of both of these nations begin to merge. This merging of culture also brings misconceptions such as how meat is essential to a person's diet and how they will die or be weak without it. This misconception is also brought along with the Relocation Diffusion of many fast food companies such as McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc. These companies also use these misconceptions to advertise and further drive them into people's minds, no matter where they are. 
    I think overall, this documentary was very good and thought provoking with the combination of both Campbell's and Esselstyn's findings. The message of diffusion is not the main subject of the documentary but is very much relevant all throughout it.
21kle5Date: Saturday, 2018-01-06, 10:16 PM | Message # 7
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Kenton Le 
Period 1
     "Forks Over Knives," a 2011 documentary made by Lee Fulkerson, explores the research of a pair of scientists into the direct relationship between diet and health, and how, by adopting a "vegan" diet (the word vegan is never used in the film) can result in extremely positive benefits for the health of the individuals and the planet as a whole. Exploring more in-depth of what the documentary is about, the scientists explain the direct relationship between heart disease, obesity, and diabetes with the OVERconsumption of animal products, and shows the tremendous benefits of adopting to the diet, even for a brief amount of time. 
By eating more meat and dairy it can also lead to fatal results, such as cancer and other diseases, but this is the result of misconception and misunderstandings. People believe that by eating animal products they can provide you with a better and more healthy life with more nutrients but it does not, as it can lead to negative effects, rather than positive. 
    These misconceptions can be proved to demonstrate the spread of ideas (diffusion). With some places and products naming their products with fake and lying statements about their product (ex: 100% beef) to lure consumers and people to buy their products, but not know the end result of doing so. These misconceptions made by the company and the business can end up actually hurting more people than helping them. Also, in recent times, many fast food companies have been progressively using fake advertisement to lure the average consumer to order more products from them, such as McDonalds, Starbucks, Burger King, etc. For example, the nutrient label on one of McDonalds signature burgers, the Big Mac, came in at 550 calories, but tested by a scientist, it turned out to be an actual whopping 750 calories, another 200 calories!! Its unbelievable how companies these days use these types of advertisements to have people buy their products. 
    In the end, I thought "Forks over Knives" was an amazing documentary. It thoroughly explained and analyzed the causes and effects of a animal based diet and how by switching over to a plant based one can help you more, but eliminating the causes of disease, and keeping you healthy! The narration was great, and the statistics that the documentary had were spot-on! I loved this film! I'd give it a rating of a 4.5/5
21atruong3Date: Sunday, 2018-04-01, 11:46 PM | Message # 8
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Anthony Truong
Period 3
The documentary, "Forks Over Knives", puts a spotlight on the relationship between diet and personal health. This documentary follows a pair of doctors who share their research on the rise of cancer, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which are beginning to take hold in America. The evidence in the documentary strongly suggests that animal products and processed foods are the main reason for many diseases. According to their research, eating a diet based on plants alone can help control and even reverse the effects of unhealthy eating. 
Throughout the documentary, patients are followed through their transition from an unhealthy lifestyle. Most patients had previously had a high consumption of processed and animal products, which contributed to and caused many of their problems. After the treatment, the patients were healthier, and shockingly, ate no animal products or processed ingredients, like oil or sugars. 
After the rise and diffusion of fast food, many people turned to the calorie-high foods as an easy and quick way to get a meal. However, while the foods were high in calories, they did not exactly very large, and the stomach did not feel full. People did not feel as if they ate enough, and ate even more, adding to their calorie count. After testing, fast foods were found to have more calories than advertised. 
This documentary could contribute to our APHUG knowledge, describing the mortality rates and causes of death. As today's generation consumes more animal products and processed foods, the population may decline, since the previous population was faced with a mostly vegetarian diet. This movie has brought to my attention the severity of health in the modern world, and how the American lifestyle is destroying the health of many. I would give it a 10/10, but the movie scared me. 9.9/10.
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