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Supersize Me
LunowDate: Monday, 2012-12-24, 1:04 PM | Message # 1
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Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject of this documentary about the commercial food industry. Rigorously eating a diet of McDonald's fast food, three times a day for a month straight. Spurlock is out to prove the physical and mental effects of consuming fast food. While doing this, Spurlock also provides a look at the food culture in America through it's schools, corporations, and politics as seen through the eyes of regular people and health advocates. "Super Size Me" is a movie that sheds a new light on what has become one of our nation's biggest health problems: obesity. Written by monkeykingma @

A lot of AP HUG teachers make their students watch this movie in class. It is a great look at the relationship between people and the industrialization of food preparation. This was a highly controversial movie when it came out. It fits into our Unit 5 (Agriculture and Rural Geography), and also to our Unit 3 dealing with popular culture.
zoeychu2Date: Sunday, 2015-04-05, 9:43 PM | Message # 2
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Zoey Chu - Period 6

    This movie scared the wits out of me. It showed how dangerous processed fast-foods are. Within 3 days of only having McDonalds, Spurlock experiences deterioration in his health, mentally and physically. This movie presents the evolution of how food is produced - from farms in backyards to factories and machines. And it's not even for the better! Instead of mass-producing food to better feed the world, these processed foods are causing serious health issues. I mean, come on! 18% layer fat within 30 days. And Morgan Spurlock threw up within the second day of eating McDonalds. 

I give this a 4.5/5 stars for its intriguing topic and making me gasp every 15 minutes. I'm never eating McD's ever again...
tangb11Date: Tuesday, 2015-04-07, 11:11 AM | Message # 3
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Bryan Tang - Period 4

What a eye opener! surprised This movie shows how a man gains so much weight, loses plenty of muscle, and replaces it with fat in just 30 days. We all know how McDonalds is bad, but we don't know how it's "kill you in 30 days" BAD. I like how there are some parts in the movie which are very amusing, it's like a comedic relief. I don't see how anyone would want to order that much food, a "supersize" combo contains enough calories for almost a day. Imagine eating that three times a day and you've got a recipe for heart failure! Morgan is been losing it; mentally, sexually, and is always fatigued. Though this movie shows the evils of fast food, it still makes me crave some Big Macs and a large soda. Super size me please.

I would give this movie a 4/5, it's a good movie and it shows how Fast food is a cause for obesity and is why America is becoming one of the fattest countries in the world.
xxbumblebeeman123xxDate: Tuesday, 2015-04-07, 6:14 PM | Message # 4
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Chris Huynh - Period 5

    Morgan Spurlock wondered what would happen to him if he decided to eat only McDonalds for 30 days straight. What's for breakfast? McDonalds. Lunch, dinner? BIG, FAT, JUICY burgers from McDonalds. Sounds delicious right? His results say otherwise.

    We all understand that every fast food restaurant serves meals that are sick and unhealthy. What most of us don't know is how McDonalds can easily alter your health into a bad position. Spurlock started this little experiment with a healthy liver and kidneys. During the movie, he couldn't even last more a few days before starting to have breathing problems and throwing up. Going through the entire process of 30 days, this man consumed approximately 12 pounds of fat and 30 pounds of sugar. That's about a pound a day. 

    This is a tremendous problem because kids are already being fed with fast foods at younger and younger ages every year. This will develop a habit in the kids to continue to eat these products; It will be very difficult to break the obsession since they were introduced to it at such a young age.

    So next time you think about getting McDonalds again, don't do it. Get a McSalad instead. Just do it.

    I would rate this 8/8 but I like Wendy's better so I'm going to have to give it a 8/9.
17jbachDate: Monday, 2016-04-11, 1:07 PM | Message # 5
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Judy Bach Period 2

Supersize me is a documentary that follows Morgan Spurlock in which he eats only Mc Donald's fast food 3 times a day, everyday, for 30 days. During that period of time, he will not exercise regularly and will document his physical and psychological effects. Because obesity has become one of the major concerns Amercia is facing, this film helps give Americans a better perspective of how destructive fast food can be to your body mentally and physically. It also relates to human geography because it explores the influence Mc Donald's has in the fast food industry and how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.

 I rate this documentary a 4/5 because it gave me a better understanding of how fast food can destroy my body and it was an eye opener for me also.

Message edited by 17jbach - Monday, 2016-04-11, 1:09 PM
19vhoDate: Sunday, 2016-04-17, 3:56 PM | Message # 6
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Vanessa Ho - Period 3

"Supersize Me" was an shock and quite disturbing. Morgan Spurlock challenges himself to eat McDonalds 3 times a day for a month. He documented the physical and psychological effects of eating fast food. After 2 days of eating McDonalds, Spurlock threw up. Starting the challenge off being healthy, he ended up gaining 24.5 pounds and 7% body fat. Spurlock had mood swings, which caused him to be depressed and exhausted most of the time.

America is the fattest nation in the world with 100 million people being overweight or obese. More than 60% of all adults are overweight. The number of people has doubled since 1980. 1/4 Americans visit fast food restaurants a day and 1/4 people in Mississippi are overweight. McDonalds feeds 16 million people each day and 60% of Americans don't exercise. The fast food numbers add up because 300,000 people die of obesity each year. 1/22 Americans have type 2 diabetes and Texas has 5/15 largest cities with obesity.

"Supersize Me" shows the production of how fast food is created. All of the fast food people eat are made from genetically modified items such as potatoes. Fast food restaurants such as McDonalds are using factories and machines to produce the large mass of food needed to supply their consumers. People are choosing to eat this fattening food because its cheap and quick. Yet what the consumers don't realize is that the food is negatively affecting the health.

I'd rate this documentary 4/5. It's intriguing to watch because of the fascinating facts on fast food. Yet some scenes were disturbing to watch. If you'd want to learn about how food can affect your health, I'd recommend this documentary.
chingchinglinhDate: Monday, 2018-04-09, 2:40 AM | Message # 7
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Linh Phung 4

This documentary was an eye-opener. I can't believe how Spurlock WILLINGLY subjected himself to that experiment. I mean, I love eating and everything, but eating Mickey D's everyday? No thanks. Wow, it's INSANE how a person could gain 25lbs in the span of a month. No wonder America is one of the leading countries in obesity. Honestly, I'm glad my mom never buys fast food because "there's food at home."

I liked the documentary and everything, but I also thought it was a little over the top. I mean, most people only eat fast food occasionally, like once or twice every 2 weeks or something, whereas Spurlock not only ate SUPERSIZED meals, he ate them consecutively, day after day, for a month. It did show the audience the detrimental effects of fast food, but it was also kind of unnecessary.

This documentary relates to APHUG because it shows that the big corporations are hiding crucial data from its consumers. Instead of advertising the nutritional appeals, producers choose to focus on how appetizing fast food is. 

Overall, I'd rate this documentary a 4/5. It was informational, but I'm still going to eat chicken nuggets.

Message edited by chingchinglinh - Monday, 2018-04-09, 2:52 AM
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